One of the Healthcare technology company in USA is associated with KPi-Tech to ensure seamless care to chronic patients.

Business Vertical:

Healthcare Technology



Main Challenge:



A healthcare company in Boston offers services for patients with chronic conditions.  They focus on helping rising risk patients who are difficult to reach. Their goal is to  improve patients' quality of life and keep them out of the high-risk population. By  using technology and innovative care models, they've helped many patients achieve  better health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs for payers and providers.

Incorporating technologydriven workflows into care navigation allows care navigators to effectively identify patient needs, monitor their progress, and communicate pertinent information to physician partners. By doing so, care navigators can contribute significantly to improving patient outcomes by enhancing the quality of interventions, ensuring timely and effective care delivery, and reducing care gaps. In this way, technology-driven workflows empower care navigators to play a vital role in the healthcare ecosystem, ultimately driving better health outcomes for patients.

Business Need

The Chronic Care Management (CCM) department in a hospital needed to generate  Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs) with additional patient information at custom  events to ensure seamless care for chronic patients. However, the standard CCD  generated by the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system was missing critical data  elements, such as Insurance Priority, Order, Encounter Date of Visit, Visitor Name,  Reason for Visit, Physician Last Name and First Name, Patient Status, Date of Death,  etc. The hospital required CCDs to be generated in batch for a given day when there  were updates to patient demographics, problem list, medications, physicians and  insurance plan information, visits/encounters. CCM would develop care plans for the  patients based on the information received and transmit charges (DFT) back to the  Cloud-based EMR application.


The hospital faced several challenges in achieving its business objective:

  • The standard CCD generated by the EHR system did not include critical patient information.
  • The Cloud based EMR has standard triggers for CCD documents, which did not align with the hospital's requirements.
  • The CCM application required a master library integration to recognize providers and locations, and DFT inbound for charges.


KPi-Tech developed an Interface ecosystem to address these challenges and achieve the hospital's business objective. We utilized tools such as Talend, JavaScript readers to build custom CCDs, Kafka for message queueing, and AWS API Gateway for secure APIs. Our solution included the following steps:

  • We created a custom CCD document that included the missing data elements and sent it to the CCM application. This ensured that the care navigators had all the critical patient information required to create care plans.
  • We used a Talend Job to send the master library to the CCM application, which consisted of provider information. This enabled the CCM application to recognize providers and locations accurately.
Integrated Disparate Healthcare Systems
CCD Interface Workflow

Technology Stack

Mirth Interface Engine, Javascript, Talend, Kafka


Our technology-driven workflows enabled the care navigators to drive greater clinical insights into interventions on behalf of their physician partners. The customized CCDs with critical patient information helped the care navigators positively, directly, and deeply impact the lives of patients and those who care for them. These clinical insights helped patients achieve life-changing results every day. The hospital achieved its business objective of seamless care for chronic patients, thanks to our Interface ecosystem. The solution was highly scalable and ensured uptime, thus meeting the hospital's requirements for scalability and uptime.

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